Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wait, you're how old?!

Something else I have seen a lot in anime is that characters sometimes look like WAY too young to be as old as they are: little girl and little boy appearance.

Sometimes it is every character in a show, like Lucky Star for example:

Or it is just one character, like Honey from Ouran High School Host Club:

Can you believe that all of these characters are in high school? They look like elementary school students!

Why are they drawn this way?
Well, for starters, it can sometimes be chalked up to the style of art the anime is drawn in. Take Lucky Star for example, all of the characters look very young and cute, even the adults to a degree. This is just the style of the art of the show. However, you have to think that there are still roots to the style and why it is drawn that way. Most of the shows drawn this way are very cutesy and the plot lines are very light and usually humorous. So, the art style matches along with the style of the story and what the characters are doing in the series. I certainly wouldn't want to see some muscled, mature women discussing how to eat a chocolate roll. That would just make it boring and awkward. But that same situation with super cute characters makes for a delight!

Then we look at shows where one or only a few characters are drawn with the appearance as little kids. This is done because the artist wants to exaggerate the characters characteristics and personality in a more obvious way. Or even have the characters look one way, but act completely different than expected. Take Honey for example, his “selling point” is his cuteness and his innocence. Later in the series you find out that he is actually a master martial artist and see some of his deathly serious side – which pretty much just adds to his overall charm. Totally surprised me, but after a bit I enjoyed it! (Couldn't help but still think it was kind of weird, though!)

Why is it popular? Why is it acceptable?
I think it definitely has something to with the kind of audience the show is trying to attract. As I said for Lucky Star, it is a very non-serious show dealing with silly daily life situations of high school. They're most likely aiming the show at high schoolers or middle schoolers, probably girls, and people that want to watch a casual show. And this audience of young kids in middle school and high school is a huge one.

However, I am all too aware of the “fetish” of young girls and boys in Japan. I'm not talking about a blatant pedophilia, here. Which is most likely what most Americans would view it (and guilty of it myself in the beginning). See, in Japan the age of consent is 13 (but in each area it is usually bumped up to 17 by local government, but it was not originally). You legally become an adult at 20. So it is legal for 13 – 19 year olds to have sex in some areas. And it has a history of being this way, so it is a much more common idea that younger looking characters are acting older than they are or acting in ways that older people would act in. However, it is not commonplace in Japan that these things happen, only common in anime and such. Japanese people have a clear distinction between what is socially acceptable, and pretty much anything is acceptable in anime (which is, well, everything) because it is defined to them as completely unreal and detached from real life. (Which can also explain a bit why this is very common to see in hentai or animated pornography.)

That being said, you'd be surprised how many anime are adapted from dating simulation games. In those games, the characters are given very exaggerated characteristics, sometimes tailored toward fetishes, and the characters usually keep those traits when translated into anime. Anime based of dating sims sounds very weird, right? Well, there it is nothing to be surprised about. We don't even really have dating simulators in America – the concept is lost on us.

Language corner!
高校 - こうこうkoukou
High School

学生 - がくせいgakusei

少年 - しょうねんshounen
Young boy

少女 - しょうじょshoujo
Young girl


  1. Good to know why anime characters look young. I always wondered why they never age!

  2. Part of this can also be attributed to the way Asians age. As a group of people they generally appear much younger to western eyes. I've recently found that Japanese have the opposite problem when trying to guess the age of Europeans. EVERY time I tell people that I'm 24 they respond with "若い!" (Young). Westerners in general just look much older to them. It seems our two cultures have very different ideas of what age looks like based on how we ourselves age.

    I've been teaching at a cram school recently to earn some extra cash, and I occasionally ask my students how old they are. The answer ranges from 12-17 But to me, almost every one of them looks like they could be a junior in high school. It's virtually pointless to try and guess ages here because my concepts of age don't fit the cultural norm.

    1. That is very true! And a good point I am kind of embarrassed to not have mentioned! Haha.
