Monday, July 16, 2012

Exaggerated Anime

I want to start off this blog with a sort of disclaimer. While anime can give us some insight to Japanese culture, it does not mean that anime is an accurate portrayal of every day life there. We have to realize that things that happen on TV are often exaggerated and overdone so that they are interesting and exciting enough to draw attention and keep the viewers watching. To quote David Laurence from a forum on, "Anime : Accurate Representations of Japanese Culture :: American TV Shows : Accurate Representations of American Culture." In this way, we wouldn't look at Degrassi and believe that all high schoolers have STI's, sleep with all of their friends, sneak out to do drugs in the woods, and have terrible parents. Yes, there might be some high schoolers that do these things, but it is certainly not the majority and a normal thing for most students here. The scale and frequency of these acts are exaggerated so that they seem much more interesting. So, like any other TV show, that is simply what anime can be simplified into: a TV show.


  1. I love this. People get too many misconceptions about anime when it's just a TV show that a lot of people love to watch. It's like any other cartoon just with a certain type of art.

    1. Thank you! I feel like it is a pretty important point to make, especially to people that might not know too much about Japan. Most Americans find things in anime or from Japan to be super odd and different, then automatically assume everyone in the country does all of these weird things. For example, I had one person actually ask me if all people in Japan dressed Goth-Loli all the time. I couldn't help but laugh because even in Japan the people that dress like that are the minority and most people still think they are a bit weird for dressing like that.

      I think it is true for any country, though. Foreigners watch their TV shows and movies and assume that the things that happen in them are normal. I've had a lot of Japanese people ask me if things they saw in movies were real. People need to remember that TV is fiction and tailored to be the most interesting, not the most realistic.

  2. Hi, I want to know how they make tea like the whole step by step method. I am a big tea drinker. and what is it with white girls and Japanese Anime why do so many white girls like anime and japanese language and culture?
